Welcome to a collaboration video with Get Virtual Fit. This video incorporates two shoulder stabilization workouts. The first half is a beginner workout and the second half is intermediate. You can combine both halves into one workout to create an advanced workout.

Before attempting the exercise, please skim or watch this entire video, when you are comfortable in your understanding of the exercise, then attempt it yourself.

The First Exercise Block

Block one is a standing shoulder series that can be done anywhere without any equipment at all. This series is taken directly out of the U.S. Army Physical Training handbook. 

This is a great series to improve shoulder strength and get you started on planks and push-ups as well as other shoulder and chest exercises that are a part of the POWIR4ADT core exercise group.



If you are new to exercise and aren’t ready to start with a full bent knee deadlift, here is a video on how to get started squatting and progress to a full squat. Once you can do a full range of motion bodyweight squat, you are ready to progress to a bodyweight only version of the bent leg deadlift.

If you have questions about squats or exercise in general, please join our forum. You can ask questions, browse previous answers or join a fitgroup for support in your fitness efforts.