Functional Exercise Defined:

Functional exercise is a type of physical activity that replicates real-life movements and actions. It emphasizes exercises that use multiple muscle groups in a coordinated manner, simulating movements performed in daily life.

Why Should You Include It In Your Weekly Routine?

When done regularly, it improves your ability to conduct everyday tasks and athletic activities with ease, efficiency, and reduced risk of injury. This is achieved through multi-joint exercises involving multiple muscle groups working together. This type of workout improves balance, speed, mobility, and coordination.

Typically, functional training uses body weight or simple equipment, such as resistance bands or sandbags, to simulate real-life movements. Every workout should include a full range of athletic moves such as lifting, pushing, pulling, and carrying. Some examples of functional exercises include squats, lunges, step-ups, push-ups, and pull-ups.

Who Does It Benefit The Most?

Functional exercise benefits individuals of all ages and fitness levels. It helps improve overall physical fitness, reduces the risk of injury, and increases athleticism, independence, and quality of life. Additionally, functional exercise is particularly beneficial for older adults, as it can help improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.

In conclusion, functional exercise focuses on replicating athletic or everday movements to improve your ability to perform at a high level with ease, efficiency, and reduced risk of injury.