Strength Training for Distance Runners: Why Shoulders and Back Matter

Distance running is an endurance sport that requires physical and mental strength. Therefore, to perform your best, it’s essential to have a well-rounded training program that includes a variety of exercises, including strength training. In particular, targeting your shoulders and back with resistance exercises can significantly impact your running performance.

1. Improved Posture and Alignment

One of the most important benefits of strength training for your shoulders and back is improved posture and alignment. Good posture helps to reduce the risk of injury and improve running efficiency by allowing you to run taller and with better form. In addition, targeting your shoulders and back with appropriate resistance exercises can help strengthen the muscles that support good posture, such as your upper back and rotator cuff muscles, which improves the flow and volume of oxygen to your lungs and reduces compression in the chest, neck, and upper back, which can restrict blood flow to the heart. 

2. Reduced Risk of Injury

In addition to improving posture, strength exercises for your shoulders and back can also help to reduce the risk of injury. Distance running puts stress on your shoulders, back, and neck. By strengthening these areas, you can reduce your risk of neck strains, shoulder impingements, back strains, and upper back pain and improve your overall running performance.

3. Increased Endurance

Strength training for your shoulders and back can also help to improve your overall endurance by building muscle strength and endurance. This increased muscle endurance can help you maintain proper form and posture during longer runs, reducing the risk of injury and improving your lung capacity, decreasing the workload to the heart, and increasing overall running performance.

4. Improved Stability

Training your shoulders and back can also help to improve stability. This is especially important for distance runners, who need to maintain stability and balance over long distances and uneven terrain. Targeting your shoulders and back with functional exercises and traditional movements can help to improve stability and reduce the risk of injury.

There are a variety of exercises that can help to improve your running performance by targeting your shoulders and back. Some of the best exercises to include in your routine are:

  1. Super Band Standing Rows (close grip/wide grip)
  2. Pull-Ups
  3. Push Press Exercises (seated rows, push-ups)
  4. Dumbbell Shoulder Fly’s
  5. External Rotation

In conclusion, strength training is a crucial component of a well-rounded training program for distance runners. By targeting your shoulders and back with strength training exercises, you can improve posture and alignment, reduce the risk of injury, increase endurance, and improve stability. So, be sure to include these exercises in your training routine to help you perform at your best on race day.